by Jack B. | Feb 27, 2014
For many Avon walkers, the most daunting challenge isn’t blisters, cramps, or dehydration. It’s the fund- raising requirement!
Let’s face it: $1,800 isn’t exactly spare change you can dig out of the couch cushions. Putting the ask on family, friends, and colleagues, whether it’s the first time or the tenth time, isn’t easy.
Recognizing this fact, Men With Heart has a plan to make it easier-—a matching donation program!
For the 2014 Boston Avon Walk, Men With Heart will subsidize up to one-half of our team members’ minimum fundraising requirement. That’s right: we’ll chip in up to $900 toward your Avon donation requirement!
There are a few stipulations, detailed below, but it’s an unbeatable deal. If you’ve been thinking about joining the fight against breast cancer, but were worried about raising the funds, now’s the time!
To qualify for this offer, you must:
1) Sign up for the 2014 Boston Avon Walk as a member of the Men With Heart team: This year’s walk takes place during the weekend of May 17-18. Click here to join now!
2) Conduct your fundraising through Men With Heart: We’ll set up a donation page for you on the Men With Heart website, which will allow you to take credit card donations. Around the time of the walk, MWH will write a check on your behalf to Avon, which will include the subsidy funds if needed to meet your minimum requirement.
3) Agree to be a fully participating MWH member: Our mission is to be stewards of the walks, helping our fellow walkers make it to the finish line in good spirits and shape. You’ll wear the signature MWH yellow t-shirt; carry a backpack filled with supplies (chocolate, blister packs, sunblock, etc.) for walkers in need; and join in sing-a-longs to serenade our fellow walkers. At the end of each day, we line up at the finish line to cheer in every single walker – it is a point of pride and duty that we continue cheering until the very last walker finishes.
If you think you’ve got what it takes, sign up right now and take advantage of this probably-never-to-be-repeated offer!
Contact us with any questions.
Avon captain: Jack Burlingame
Men With Heart is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) corporation (a fancy way of saying we’re a charity!). All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
by Jack B. | Dec 30, 2013
Although regrettable in many ways, the demise of the Komen Boston walk offers one silver lining: it allows the local breast cancer community to coalesce around a single multiday walk event — the 2-day Boston Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
Men With Heart will be consolidating its team for the May 17-18th event, and we hope you’ll join us! We expect to provide some modest financial incentives to our teammates; more to come on that topic soon.
In the meantime, if you’re inspired to act, follow this link to sign up now. Choose “Join a Team,” then select Men With Heart, and you are on your way!
2014 — our best year ever!
by Jack B. | Aug 31, 2012

Outback Party a Big Hit!
Our second Outback party was a smashing success! We beat our year-one attendance and fund-raising marks by a long shot, and everyone had a good time while fighting the good fight.
Once we’ve tallied the donations we’ll post the results here.
We’ve also got some fall events coming up. Check back soon for the deets!
On Thursday, August 23rd, join Men With Heart at our second annual Outback bash!
Outback and Heineken, two socially minded businesses, have donated the venue, food, beer, and raffle prizes. And 100% of the proceeds benefit Men With Heart and the the fight against breast cancer. That’s no typo — it’s not NET proceeds, it’s ALL proceeds! Every penny from ticket sales will be put to use battling this insidious disease.
$25 is all you’ll pay. The admission price gets you unlimited quantities of Outback’s legendary appetizers (think Bloomin’ Onions, Chicken Quesadillas, Seared Ahi Tuna, Grilled Shrimp on the Barbie, Chicken Artichoke Flatbread, and much more!). The fee also buys you free-flowing beer taps (think Heineken, Dos Equis, Newcastle, and Amstel). (Please drink responsibly!) Plus you’ll get to hang out with those impossibly handsome and charismatic Men With Heart guys!

by Jack B. | May 21, 2012
In the eleven years Men With Heart has walked the Boston Avon, we’ve never enjoyed finer weather than the weekend of May 19-20. Not a cloud to be seen, temps in the comfortable 70s, light breeze. Perfect cancer-fighting weather!
The 1,800 participants all seemed in extraordinarily good spirits, perhaps because of the conditions, or maybe because they learned at the opening ceremony that we had raised nearly $5 million for the cause!
We met lots of wonderful people—especially the strong and brave survivors who endured far more in their treatment than we suffered trekking 40 miles. We sang songs until we were hoarse; handed out candy, buttons, and supplies until we were depleted; and walked till we were blistered. Hurting, but happy to be fighting the good fight.
We’ve posted a slew of photos on the Men With Heart Facebook page. Please visit and check them out.
If you’d like to donate to the cause, click here to find your favorite MWH guy to sponsor for the walk.
Looking forward to the Boston Avon 2013 walk! But in the meantime, we’ve got lots of other stuff happening; just scroll down to find our upcoming parties and walks.
-Jack Burlingame

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