Ron’s Breast Cancer Walk Page
I am very proud to again be a part of this great team of men who have come together to put an end to breast cancer. Many of you may know that I lost my mom to cancer April 1st, 2010 and that my Aunt Shirley Audette among many others are still battling this dreadful disease.
Three years ago during my first 3-day Walk, I was so impressed with what this group of men were doing. Not only did they raise money and walk countless miles but they also carried supplies in pack on their backs for anyone who needed them. They also sing songs along the route and at the end of each day they wait at the end of the route and cheer the rest of the walkers until the last walker comes in. I saw this group and knew that is where I needed to be.
This will be my forth year walking. This year since I am walking in both the Boston Avon 2-Day walk and the Komen 3-Day walk, I need to raise a minimum of $4,200 and walk 100 miles. Raising that kind of money is a huge task in this economy. I am writing to ask for your help reaching my fund raising goals in this, my 4th year walking.
Thank you for visiting my information page, and PLEASE consider making a donation. Your money could make all the difference in the world.
~ Ron
The easiest way to contribute is to click the button below and donate via my secure PayPal link.
To donate via check, please mail your donation to:
Men With Heart, A Non-Profit Corporation
733 Turnpike Street, #200
North Andover, MA 01845
Please write on the check or on an accompanying note the following information:
- Your name and address (if not already on the check)
- Your email address (so we can send you a receipt)
- “Ron Morrissette” (so we know which teammate to credit)
Click here to learn more about Men With Heart.
Click here to see how your donation will be used in the fight against cancer.
Click here to get information about joining the Men With Heart team.
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