Make a Difference – Take the First Step and Walk This Year
Perhaps you have walked with Men With Heart in an Avon or Komen walk in the past, maybe you have considered it but thought maybe next year, or perhaps walking for breast cancer isn’t something that you have considered ever before. Is this the year that you decide to make a difference? We walk together as a team because most everyone has or will be touched by breast cancer in some way. We believe that no one should prematurely lose a wife, mother, sister, daughter, co-worker, or friend to breast cancer.
The manner of giving is worth more than the gift. – Pierre Corneille
Still on the fence about participating in the Avon or Komen walks as a MWH team member? We work together as a team to support each other (and our fellow walkers) in everything from fund raising to training.  Those who have participated before they remark that it is one of the most rewarding and enriching acts of giving that they have ever participated in. Go ahead, take the first step. Walk as a man with heart.
Consider the MWH Crew
Still think that walking a two or three day event is too challenging? Wish there were another way to participate? Then consider joining the Men With Heart Crew at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer on May 16th & 17th. Crew just one or both days. Don’t worry. You still get to wear the yellow shirt.
For more information or to participate contact the following team captains:
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer (May 16-17)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Angelo Liapis
Breast Cancer 3 Day (July 24-26)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Scott Walters
Avon Walk (MWH Crew Team)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Peter Cushing
MWH Now Takes Donations Online
As of this month, Men With Heart members can raise funds directly online – a longstanding goal of our organization that has finally been realized. For several years, Men With Heart has investigated the possibility of raising money directly (rather than through Komen or Avon), but due to high cost and technical limitations, we have been unable to pursue this option. Now thanks to our very own web developer and the use of a PayPay account, we can offer this convenient way to have our supporters donate money to MWH through online embedded links (via our website or links in e-mail).
By building our own links into PayPal, we offer our donors a convenient and secure method of raising money. By going it alone, rather than hiring one of the companies that offer non-profits the ability to accept credit cards online and build member pages, we give up many of the “whiz-bang” features. But, on the upside, we found it hard to justify giving up 7%-10% of the money we raise to these companies.  Instead we are keeping our costs as low as possible. Each team member will have their own coded link to allow us to track individual donations and our personal pages are right now under development.  Our supporters should be proud that we are doing our best to donate every dollar we can to fight breast cancer. Please embrace this technology and provide us feedback as we move forward.
Why do we prefer to raise money as Men with Heart?
Fund raising under the MWH banner is an important team strategy that is worth explaining. To be on the MWH team it is not required to raise money through MWH, but we do encourage team members raise money under the Men With Heart name for several reasons. (1) We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, so our donors get the same tax benefits as they would donating directly to Avon/Komen. (2) Raising money directly to MWH gives us much more flexibility from a financial standpoint. One of the more fulfilling things we do with extra money is hand out $50 & $100 checks to other walkers who might come up short of their minimum (we have built a wonderful reputation by doing this). It rarely happens, but if guys come up short, we try to help them reach their minimums. If we have enough funding, we also like to make a donation at the end of the year to local charities fighting breast cancer.  The key thing to remember is that all the money is going towards the fight against breast cancer.
Men With Heart Care Kits
MWH has been working hard to find ways to collaborate with local medical facilities and breast cancer centers to generate awareness among the men who support the women affected by breast cancer.  The idea is to let the husbands, sons, brothers and friends of breast cancer survivors know about the MWH team.  We have finally made the goal a reality with creation of the MWH Care Kit. The Care Kit is made up of our new brochure, the brochure holders, and the book “Breast Cancer Husband” (written by Marc Silver, a MWH team member). The goal is to let guys touched by breast cancer know there is a local group of men trying to do something in the fight against breast cancer. Our materials are now being distributed at the Faulkner Hospital and the Lahey Clinic. We are working to find other breast cancer medical facilities where we can distribute this material. If you have contacts who would be interested in distributing this material, please contact Gordon at
Avon MWH Team Training Walk – May 3rd
On Sunday May 3rd the Walk For Hunger is being held in the city of Boston and we, as a team, are called to participate. First reason for the greatness of its cause, second it can be used as an excellent training walk, and third for our team to get together, meet each other and march down Commonwealth Ave singing. The length of the walk is about 20 miles which makes it the equivalent of your first Avon day or your second Susan G. Komen day. Come join us! We will meet outside Cheers Bar on Beacon Street between 7 and 7:30 am. Our team will be joined by the Pink Angels in a joint walk effort.
For more information contact Angelo Liapis
Avon Corporate Sponsorships – Deadline May 1st
Avon T-shirts will be ordered on May 1…Please get your corporate sponsorships and logos in by April 29!
The t-shirt order for the Avon walk is about to placed.  As many of you know, placing corporate logos on the back of our signature t-shirts is a wonderful way for us to raise money and give great exposure to our corporate supporters. In addition to being on the shirt, sponsor’s logos will be placed on the highly trafficked MWH web site.  A $500 minimum donation is required. Imagine what $2,000 will get a sponsor. Please contact Gordon at and e-mail all logos to him by April 29th.

Breast Cancer 3-Day Preview Expo
Prepare yourself for the experience of a lifetime. Don’t miss the Breast Cancer 3-Day Preview Expo! It’s a great opportunity to meet other Breast Cancer 3-Day participants, attend informative workshops and get yourself prepared for an incredible journey.
Sunday, April 26th
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Bentley University Conference Center
175 Forest Street
Waltham , MA
Follow this link to download the program for the day and get a glimpse of what activites and workshops we have in store. Workshops will begin promptly at 11:00 am, so don’t be late! Local outfitters will be on hand with discounted gear and apparel, so bring your shopping bag.
Follow this link to RSVP today.
Thank you for everything you do in the fight to end breast cancer forever. We hope to see you soon at the Preview Expo!
Team Captain Spotlight – Angelo Liapis
This year, in an effort to get more individuals involved in the organization of the walking teams, we have introduced Team Captains. We would like to introduce to you this year’s Avon Walk For Breast Cancer 2009 Team Captain, Angelo Liapis. When asked about the source of his motivation and desire to get involved in the fight against breast cancer Angleo replied “My girlfriend is a member of the ‘Pink Angels‘ and she got me involved to the cause. I started walking to support her and to raise awareness. I have a 9 year old daughter, Katerina, and she is my biggest motivation of all.” Angelo characterizes the spirit that is core to what MWH is about. He has already begun to create the support that this year’s team will find incredibly helpful and motivating.
Angelo is originally from Athens, Greece and currently owns and operates a General Contracting business in Peabody, MA, BetterBuilt Enterprises. He originally heard about Men With Heart through his association with the Pink Angels and has been a member for over a year now. To date he has participated in a number of breast cancer related events including the Avon 2007 Walk (crew), Susan G. Komen 2008, Walk for Strides 2007 and 2008, Race for the Cure 2007 and 2008, NSMC Breast Cancer Walk 2008.
Expressing his hopes and vision for the upcoming 2009 Avon team and walk he replied “To get a big group of guys together to walk, support, laugh, cry and have a lot of fun”.
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